2023 is coming to an end. Man, time flies. It almost feels like it was yesterday when I started posting my doodles on Deviantart near the end of 2022. My doodles definitely improved from those days, I'd like to think.
Point is, 2023 flew by REAL fast for me, "blink and you'll miss it" type shit.
Anyway, I say this in every News post I end up making, but thank you all so much for the favs and the commenting and for following me. Not just the peeps on Newgrounds, but on the other socials as well. Y'all are amazing, and just the fact that anyone at all likes what I draw puts a smile on my face.
Here's hoping that 2024 is a good year too, doesn't have to be the best year ever, just not shitty. That's all I ask for. As long as it's not another 2020, we'll be good.
Happy (early) New years, everybody.
It's still a day early