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// tw: I have Asperger Syndrome//

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Anyway, here's what's been going on the site for those that don't know


So yeah. This is gonna be a thing now, appearantely. Big Mr Elon is actually doing it, despite everyone, literally EVERYONE, saying "hey, this is a bad idea, pls don't do it". And as you can see:


The people hated it, as it should've been expected.

This post's gonna be long, about as long as the script of a Youtube commentary video probably.

Now, I'm not gonna pretend that Twitter dot com was a good website before all these changes, it wasn't. It's known as the most toxic website on the internet for a reason. But those who thought it couldn't get worse back then are looking back and saying "man I was so stupid for thinking that". And let me tell you, not a single change made to the site has ever been recived positively in anyway (except maybe the search bar on your bookmarks, but that's kind of it.)

Like, first the renaming: even though nobody ever calls it "X". Changing the iconic bird to a letter was... a choice, to say the least. It was pretty big, but looking back, not the worst one (and it also made KH fans like me make the "twitter got norted jokes", and that was very funny to me)

Then, the private likes thing: completely pointless. And bad for some, cuz, if a popular artist liked your work, having their likes visible was sort of a way for smaller artists to get views (some of my fav artists, i found through the likes of someone else, for example)

Also constantly shoving the "Buy Premium Now!" thing. Like, dude, I don't wanna buy your premium! Bruh, writing long posts and editing them to avoid typos is a thing I gotta pay my hard-earned cash for?? Fuck outta here, dude.

Also, the AI assistant "Grok", which I never touched. Ican't tell you much about since you need to be subscribed to use it, I think. (but like most people, I hate AI with a passion, and it seems to be more or less another Chat GPT, so there's that)

But this? Changing the blocking? That's like the most basic of basic functions for ANY platform to have. Tumblr has it, Bluesky has it, Instagram has it, even NEWGROUNDS has it. If this ends up happening, any weirdo and creep can just view your page and blocking will do nothing to stop 'em.

"X dot com! Where stalking the page of someone who blocked you is now easier than ever!"

Even tho:iu_1285464_18492921.webp

Yeah so, if Elon actually removes the block function, he could get in quite a bit of trouble with Apple. I guess that's why he's doing this loophole thing of "uh you can still block, they'll just see but not interact!". But, I don't have knowledge in these matters so, that's all I can comment on about that.

At times it feels like he's just doing this stuff to make the site worse on purpose. Like, I refuse to believe that he's actually stupid enough to believe that any of what he's been doing is a good idea. "He does this cuz money!" but now everyone's quiting Twitter, which means less people to take money from. Granted, I'm just some dumb bitch on the internet who draws FNF stuff nearly daily, so what the fuck do I know about running a website?


So. As if this wasn't bad enough, remember how I glossed over Grok? Well, from what I found out, that thing's gonna be mandatory now. Right now there's a "hey don't feed my stuff to the ai" button, but once the 15th of November comes around, you won't be able to do that. Everyone's posts (art, ramblings, whatever) will all be fed to Grok whether you like it or not, there. I really wanna know if there's anybody telling the man "no", genuinely.

My account there will likely stay private if that happens, I'm not sure what I'll do, I don't have a plan yet. I might bring over my "Oc x Canon" or "Oc" cringe in general over to my other platforms since, Twitter was my go to for that. Thank god for my other socials too, I'm on Tumblr, Bluesky and here too. Always remember to have backups, gamers.

Anyway, that's about it for this "Twitter fucked up" post. Thank y'all for the 116 fans here, y'all are goated. I'm gonna go back to playing Sonic Robo Blast 2 now. Stay safe out there 👍


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